Get to Know the JCVO Mini Podcast: A Voice Actor's Mini Podcast!
Do you listen to podcasts? I'm a pretty big fan of them! I've noticed that there seems to be two main groups when it comes to podcasts: those who love a good podcast and listen to them almost religiously and then there are those who have absolutely no interest in it. From what I've gathered, there really aren't a lot of people in the middle ground.
Podcasts are great for killing time, learning new things, and getting to know the people hosting and being interviewed. It's a fantastic pastime when your hands and eyes are occupied, but your mind needs something to focus on. But one of the biggest problems is that podcasts can often be a little too long and drawn out. It's almost as if you either need a good hour available to listen to an episode, or you need to split up each episode into several small chunks to get through the whole thing.
However, sometimes you just want a quick, fun podcast to listen to, and I'm here to help fill that gap for you! Whether you have a short work break or you simply don't want to commit to a longer podcast, the JCVO Mini Podcast may be the podcast you never knew you needed in your regular Podcast rotation. You can check it out on my Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter pages.
If you're looking for a voice actor podcast that is entertaining and easy to listen to, you'll love the JCVO Mini Podcast with quick episodes of the meanderings and random thoughts of a professional voice actor. While I wouldn't say it's an official voice acting podcast because not every episode is explicitly geared towards it, voice acting tends to come up since that's what I spend my days doing.
In this mini podcast, I talk about whatever comes up from personal experiences in the voice acting industry to random thoughts I have throughout the day and think you might enjoy. In the very first episode, I share about the time I helped a friend almost get on Big Brother, plus I share my discovery of a new slang word and what it means.
In another episode, I reminisce about a big time confidence builder that happened early on in my career. Let's just say it has to do with Rick Dees and the very first comedy bit I ever sold, complete with the clip for you to laugh at along with me. This was many years back, so it's a fun look back at where I started.
These are just a few examples of my first couple of episodes, and I'm already having fun with the JCVO Mini Podcast! I'm excited to see where this goes, and I hope you'll join me on this project of mine. So if you're looking for a light-hearted, fun podcast to listen to, be sure to check out my podcast! The JCVO Mini Podcast. You can find all of the episodes as they go live on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.